How to recognize and report a law firm’s data breach / Il Sole 24 Ore


The risk of cyber breaches is on the rise, and for professionals in the legal and economic sectors, it is crucial to gain an in-depth understanding of data breaches, their implications, and the associated regulatory obligations.

In today’s edition of Il Sole 24 Ore, an in-depth analysis by Aurora Agostini highlights the importance of recognizing and promptly reporting data breaches, which are accidental or unlawful violations of personal data. In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), breaches that pose a risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals must be reported to the Data Protection Authority within 72 hours of the incident. However, even when the risk is not significant, it is essential to document the incident in line with the accountability principle established by the regulation.

To learn more about effectively preventing these risks and managing a data breach in a timely and compliant manner, the full article is available (for subscribers) at the following link: Il Sole 24 Ore.

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