TopLegal Awards 2018


LEXIA Avvocati among the finalists of the XII edition of the Toplegal Award with the partner Alessandro Dagnino as best professional for the litigation in Supreme Court

The award ceremony will be held on November 27, 2018 in Rome.


Milan, October  17, 2018 –  The lawyer Alessandro Dagnino, partner of LEXIA Avvocati, has been nominated as a finalist of the XII edition of the Toplegal Awards for the specialty award in the category Professional – Litigation Supreme Court.

The nomination of Toplegal, the magazine that for years has followed the world of legal and corporate services in Italy, is a recognition for the quality of the activity of the lawyer Alessandro Dagnino in front of the Supreme Court in matters of tax litigation, thanks to the consolidated experience witnessed by over one hundred recourses followed in the last five years.

The awards for the category will be held in Rome on 27 November 2018.


Here all the finalists of the XII edition of the Toplegal Awards


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