LEXIA’s team specialises in administrative and public finance. The firm assists clients in litigation before the competent courts of the administrative and accounting jurisdiction.
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LEXIA has an higly qualified team experienced in restructuring, insolvency and distressed M&A.
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LEXIA represents a reference point in the Capital Markets sector. Our Equity Capital Markets (ECM) team is acknowledged in the market for its attitude towards innovation and the ability to conceive creative and innovative solutions that have made a lasting impact in the industry.
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Il team è competente in materia di controversie innanzi al giudice ordinario in materia civile e commerciale, con particolare focus sulle questioni che traggono origine da rapporti con la Pubblica amministrazione e con l'Amministrazione finanziaria, quali azioni revocatorie erariali, azioni di rivalsa nelle obbligazioni tributarie solidali, recupero crediti per e contro la P.A., responsabilità civile della Pubblica amministrazione, consulenza e controversie in tema di società a partecipazione pubblica.
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LEXIA M&A's team is well-known for its ability to manage complex transactions that require creativity and the rapid identification of innovative solutions.
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We have a deep expertise in data protection, intellectual property and technologcal innovation. We offer assistance to our clients on their legal strategies in the light of the market context.
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We offer complete assistance to our customers in the energy sector: authorization procedures, contracts, tenders, plant management and M&A operations in the energy sector.
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In the constantly changing global landscape, adopting business models based on ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) principles represents a major opportunity, driven by increasing regulatory pressures, investor expectations and market demands. Companies that embed an ESG strategy not only meet these challenges, but can also distinguish themselves, attract capital and strengthen their competitiveness in the long term. At LEXIA, we are pioneering this change. Our ESG Advisory practice, composed of professionals with cross-disciplinary expertise, offers companies comprehensive and customised support to best manage the challenges and leverage the opportunities related to ESG factors.
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LEXIA is an Italian law firm that advises companies, financial institutions and asset managers on a wide range of financial transactions, including IPOs, ICOs and project finance.
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LEXIA is a highly qualified law firm in the field of foreign direct investments. Our team advises Italian and foreign clients in the setting-up of companies, branches and representative offices in-bound and out-bound.
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Our team supports clients in corporate immigration services, investor visa, citizenship and corporate immigration litigation in Italy.
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LEXIA provides assistance to its clients in the field of labour law with a comprehensive approach, covering all stages of the employment relationship, from the onboarding to the termination. The firm also manages the accounting and payroll activities connected with the employment relationships outsourced by our clients.

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LEXIA provides its clients with legal assistance in the prevention, management, and resolution of civil disputes, both in judicial and arbitration proceedings at both national and international levels, as well as in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution.
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With its specialized focus on Public Finance, LEXIA provides assistance in disputes before the relevant courts for matters of accountability and consultancy in the interest of both public entities, local authorities, and companies.
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LEXIA offers specialized legal and tax services in the Italian Real Estate sector, both for national and foreign investors. Additionally, LEXIA offers trust management and asset protection solutions for individuals, families and businesses.
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LEXIA advises clients in the management of the risk related to white collar crimes. The assistance includes the drafting and implementation of codes of conduct as well as the assessment of any sanctions and economic or reputational consequences that may arise from white collar crimes.
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