The LEXIA law firm offers 360-degree assistance in managing corporate criminal risk, evaluating the sanctioning, economic and reputational consequences. We provide preventive consultancy and legal assistance to both companies and individuals investigated or accused in criminal proceedings for corporate, tax, bankruptcy, IT, workplace safety or public administration crimes. The team’s fundamental focus is the criminal liability of legal entities, to which we provide assistance in the preparation and updating of organisation, management and control models and, more generally, in the creation of an effective system of protocols in relation to criminal crimes. to prevent.

Multidisciplinary approach

The corporate criminal law team adopts a multi-practice approach and synergistic collaboration with the other departments of the firm. We collaborate with colleagues from the corporate law, data and technology, taxation, employment law and litigation teams to guarantee our clients complete and interdisciplinary assistance. This working method allows us to address complex issues involving different legal profiles, providing solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client.

Our Customers

Among our clients we serve public and private companies, both national and foreign. We also assist small and medium-sized businesses, start-ups and family businesses.

Corporate crimes

We provide assistance to directors, managers and contributing partners in criminal proceedings for crimes committed in the exercise of a business activity in corporate form, including false corporate communications, fictitious capital formation or corruption between private individuals.

Tax crimes

The evasion of taxes and duties may constitute a crime. In agreement with the tax law team, the criminal law team provides preventive advice to clients and judicial assistance in proceedings for the crimes of fraudulent declaration, issuing false invoices, concealment or destruction of accounting documents and for all other cases of criminal offense provided for by Legislative Decree 74/2000.

Bankruptcy crimes

We provide assistance to entrepreneurs, administrators, auditors or bankruptcy trustees in criminal proceedings for fraudulent bankruptcy and other crimes envisaged by the Business Crisis and Insolvency Code.

Computer crimes

We deal with computer crimes (from unauthorized access to a computer system to computer fraud) or, in any case, with criminal offenses committed through the use of computer or telematic technologies (phishing, digital identity theft, theft of company data, etc. ). In collaboration with the Data & Technology Innovation team, we carry out consultancy activities for companies to adopt adequate measures to protect personal and sensitive data, as required by the GDPR.

Fintech & blockchain crimes

In line with the strong specialization of the LEXIA Firm in the field of crypto-assets and blockchain, the criminal law team provides assistance in proceedings for ICO fraud, cryptocurrency laundering, fraud in the NFT market and for all those crimes committed in the fintech sector.

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Other practices
With its specialized focus on Public Finance, LEXIA provides assistance in disputes before the relevant courts for matters of accountability and consultancy in the interest of both public entities, local authorities, and companies.
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The team specialized in tax collection law defends taxpayers against the Revenue Agency - Collection (ADER) and private municipal collection agencies.
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We provide consultancy and assistance in all phases of the tax assessment procedure for both the Revenue Agency and the Customs and Monopolies Agency as well as in matters of local taxes and quasi-tax duties.
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