Lexia with LoanXchain in admission to Regulatory Sandbox


Milan, 3 February 2023Lexia assisted LoanXchain, a platform created by MSD Solutions S.r.l., in its admission to the Banca d’Italia’s Regulatory Sandbox.

LoanXchain is an innovative platform that allows intermediaries to ‘tokenize’ loans, i.e. to create crypto-assets representing rights or values through blockchain technology, as an alternative way of syndicating, financing and/or refinancing their loans, saving users considerable time and money. The tokens thus generated can be purchased by third-party investors via distributed ledger (DLT) by accessing the platform managed by the company. The platform trial within the Regulatory Sandbox will last up to 18 months.

Lexia acted as legal advisor with a team led by Partner Angelo Messore and Associate Filippo Belfatto. The firm assisted the company in submitting the application and managing relations with the Banca d’Italia and Consob, as well as preparing the contractual documentation used by the platform.

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