LEXIA with Merlyn Partners in the proxy-fight for the renewal of Tim’s Board of Directors.


LEXIA has been tasked with assisting the Merlyn Partners Scsp fund in relation to the solicitation and collection of voting proxies in the context of the proxy-fight for the renewal of Tim’s board of directors.

The fund, which holds 0.53% of Tim’s voting shares, has indeed submitted its own list of candidates ahead of the upcoming assembly on April 23, 2024, tasked with appointing the new administrative body, also proposing a new industrial plan for Tim’s future.

LEXIA, with a team led by Managing Partner Francesco Dagnino and composed of Partners Andrea Massimo Maroni and Aurora Agostini, as well as Associates Marco Pontiggia, Luciano Vassallo, Gabriel Zurlo Sconosciuto, Jessica Giussani end Giorgia Rastrelli, assists the promoters in relation to all legal aspects of the solicitation of voting proxies.

Read the news at the following link >

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