LEXIA opens the Energy Department with the arrival of Marco Muscettola as partner


Milan, 1th April 2020 – LEXIA Avvocati goes ahead with its growth project and welcomes Marco Muscettola, new partner of the Milan office and in charge of the Energy Department, which is launched with his arrival.

Marco Muscettola developed his experience, inter alia, initially at Chiomenti and then at  Bird&Bird, consolidating a wide experience in financial and corporate transactions.

Muscettola deals mainly with project finance transactions, in particular those relating to transport and energy, acquisition finance, corporate finance, real estate finance and business law.

In addition, he provides assistance on all Corporate M&A matters for companies and banks, such as extraordinary operations, acquisitions and divestments of companies, shareholdings, as well as transformations, mergers, demergers, reorganizations and internationalization processes.

«Marco’s arrival is another significant step in the growth of the Firm – comments Francesco Dagnino (managing partner, responsible of Lexia Avvocati’s Milan office) – and with his arrival we will strengthen an already strong team, now even more structured in order to offer a more specialized service in the finance and energy sectors thanks to a dedicated department».

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