Immigrants and employment: the shipwreck (between the Flow Decree and the Blue Card) / Econopoly – Il Sole 24 Ore


Italy is facing a crucial challenge: tackling the growing labor shortage, a direct consequence of demographic decline and the resulting increase in the elderly population and retirees.

According to data from Unioncamere and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, in November 2024, businesses reported difficulties in finding approximately 205,000 professionals, accounting for 47.9% of planned hires.

Government Measures

To address this emergency, the Government has introduced a series of initiatives aimed at attracting foreign labor. These measures target both highly skilled positions and roles of a technical or manual nature.

Current System Limitations

However, as highlighted by Pietro Derossi in his article for Econopoly by Il Sole 24 Ore, the existing legislative tools, such as the Flow Decree and the EU Blue Card, reveal significant shortcomings. These limitations risk undermining the effectiveness of policies designed to attract foreign talent and hinder businesses’ ability to meet their labor needs.

Read the full article on Il Sole 24 Ore.

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