Avv. Marina Mastrangelo

Sede Milano
(+39) 02 3663 8610

Marina is a lawyer specialized in financial market law and primarily focuses on providing assistance and consultancy to collective investment schemes and foreign financial intermediaries seeking to operate in Italy.

In particular, she supports foreign UCITS and AIFs in conducting their operations in the Italian territory and in marketing their respective units/shares. She assists them in organizing suitable distribution and contractual architecture, as well as in fulfilling ongoing procedural and administrative requirements before the competent supervisory authorities. She also provides assistance to foreign intermediaries (e.g., investment firms, management companies) intending to offer their investment services and activities in Italy either through the freedom to provide services or by establishing branches, in accordance with EU directives.

Over the years, she has gained specific expertise in providing consultancy aimed at ensuring compliance by these financial operators with various regulatory and compliance obligationsOver the years, she has gained specific expertise in providing consultancy aimed at ensuring compliance by these financial operators with various regulatory and compliance obligations.
Since 2014, she has been authorized to act as an independent director for Luxembourgish SICAVs.


She is the author of articles published in financial magazines and co-author of the book “SICAVs, flexible tools for managing savings”, published by Bancaria Editrice in 2010.

Bars and Courts

Bar association
Registered with the Milan Bar Association.


Gradueted in Law.
Gradueted in Law at the Università Statale of Milano


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